Benedict XVI

SALT OF THE EARTH Laid to rest on January 5, 2023, the late Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI cannot be allowed to simply pass into history, because his legacy is compelling, if complicated. In 2013, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Munich became the first pope to resign in almost 600 years. To …

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Nixon to China at 50

BOLD AND AMBITIOUS GAMBLE Fifty years have passed since American President Richard Nixon made his historic trip to China. On February 21, 1972, when Air Force One landed in Beijing, two decades of enmity between America and China ended. Firstly, a beaming President Nixon alighted to respectfully shake the hand …

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America and China

HISTORIC CROSSROADS America and China have reached an historic crossroads that requires reason but resolve. Consequently, America must confront ideological, economic, military, and pandemic challenges with ardent integrity. Furthermore, the future of enlightened civilization is at risk. Moreover, the ability of America to revive and lead strategic alliances to engage …

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